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Herbal Health and Healing Booklet

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We are so pleased to work with The Koanga Institute. This Hawkes Bay group are the leaders of historic NZ seeds and are the leaders in the bio-intensive gardening and nutrient dense food realm as they are  practitioners, researchers and teachers in the area. Now we are facing a fast approaching climate change, food security has never been more important so these booklets are great to teach us self-reliance and ecological design.

This booklet is an introduction to work with our plant allies for health. There is illustrated introductions to the herbs you can find in Aotearoa  which detail how to grow it and what its healing properties are. There is a section dedicated to symptoms and remedies, instructions to make an oil infusion, a salve, a tincture, and a hot water infusion, and dedicated sections for women and childrens health. 

- Comes with an A4 Sun Calendar 
- A5 size booklet
- 100% recyclable, but best to either keep or share with friends

If this interests you, please check out the rest of Koanga Institutes booklets on the Crushes website.